The 9 Benefits of an Adjustable Bed

Double Adjustable Bed

Do you ever struggle to get a good night’s sleep?  Do you toss and turn while watching the clock in the small hours of the morning?  At times, we all have worries and anxieties that play on our minds and interfere with getting that coveted eight hours of sleep but there are other times when the bed isn’t comfortable and we are troubled with aches and pains.  The answer may lie in an adjustable bed. Before looking at the many benefits of an adjustable bed, let’s explain what an adjustable bed is.

What is an adjustable bed?

An electric adjustable bed allows you to customise the alignment of your bed so that you get the best possible night’s sleep.  Whether you like your head to be slightly raised or prefer your feet to be slightly raised, you can adjust the bed to your preferred position at the touch of a button.  Beds can be either single or double – with a double adjustable bed, you can even have a different position to your partner. 

The 9 Benefits of an Adjustable Bed

  • Helps back pain

There is nothing as painful as back pain especially in the lower back region.  An adjustable bed can help with getting into and out of bed as well as well as helping you to get into a more comfortable position to sleep.  Raising the head of the bed can relieve compression on the lower back or alternatively raising the foot of the bed allows knees to be bent which can reduce pressure on the spine.

  • Helps arthritis pain

There are more than 10 million arthritis sufferers in the UK and a comfortable bed can improve blood flow which may help to ease arthritis pain.  With an adjustable bed, the optimum sleeping position can be found to reduce pressure on aching joints.  In the morning, the electric bed can be adjusted to help you to rise from the bed more easily.

  • Improves circulation

Lifting either your upper back or lower body improves circulation and this is especially important if you are bed bound or recovering from surgery or spend long periods of time standing.  People who spend long periods of time standing during the working day can suffer from swollen feet. Having a bed that elevates your feet at night will reduce swelling and may help prevent the chance of developing conditions such as varicose veins.

  • Helps with oedema

Oedema (fluid retention) in the lower leg can be very painful and an adjustable bed can help.  By raising the foot of an adjustable bed so that legs are above heart level, fluid levels can be reduced and this can help with associated pain.

  • Helps with sleep apnea, asthma and snoring

With the ability to raise the head of the bed, there is less pressure on the windpipe and improved airflow.  This can help to reduce snoring and alleviate symptoms of sleep apnea and asthma.

  • Improved digestion

Lying flat in bed is a hindrance to the body’s digestion system and can increase heartburn too.  By lifting the head of the bed by six inches, your digestion is improved and this should allow you to have a deeper sleep waking up refreshed in the morning.

  • A better night’s sleep

With numerous position options with an adjustable bed, you can find the perfect position for you.  This should help you to fall asleep more quickly, remain asleep for longer and wake up more refreshed in the morning.

  • More comfortable to sit in bed

Whether you want to read, work, watch TV or have breakfast in bed, finding a comfortable position with pillows can be tricky and can lead to neck or back ache.  With an adjustable bed, you can find that perfect position to sit up in bed. 

  • More independence

Age, disability, illness or accident can all have an impact on your mobility including being able to get in and out of bed.  By pressing a button, an adjustable bed will help you to move independently from lying down to sitting up

There are many benefits of an adjustable bed so make having a good night’s sleep a priority and call into the Bann Mobility showroom today at Carn Industrial Estate, Portadown to see the range of electric adjustable beds.  Sweet dreams!

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