The six health benefits of fresh air in autumn

Autumn leaves and trees

Autumn is a beautiful time of year when the leaves are starting to change colour but are still on the trees.  Even though temperatures are dropping, it is still very important to spend time outdoors in this “season of mists and mellow fruitfulness” as described by the poet John Keats. So what are the main benefits of fresh air for both our physical and mental health?

Being outdoors makes you happier

The amount of serotonin that is produced increases when you breathe in more oxygen.  Serotonin can lighten your mood and promote a feeling of happiness and being more relaxed. When you are outside, stop for a minute and take a deep breath. Adopt the mindfulness approach, and use your senses to find out what you can see, hear and smell. Or you could even hug a tree which increases levels of serotonin and dopamine which make you feel happier.

Fresh air helps your immune system

In the current coronavirus pandemic, we need to do everything possible to boost our immune systems. A daily dose of fresh air is a good plan as oxygen helps our white blood cells to work properly. This is very important to fight off bacteria and germs. Remember that direct sunlight is our bodies’ main source of Vitamin D which has been known to help fight off osteoporosis, cancer and depression. Even just a few minutes of sun exposure can help to increase your levels of Vitamin D.

Better sleep when you spend time outdoors

Many people struggle to get a good night’s sleep and spending time outdoors can help with this. In a 2015 sleep study which was published in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, people with more exposure to natural light sleep for an extra 46 minutes every night.  Plus you will sleep even better if you have a comfortable bed such as an electric adjustable bed.

Fresh air helps memory and focus

By being outside in nature, memory and concentration improves according to a 2008 study carried out at the University of Michigan.  Walking in nature actually improved attention scores and memory by 20% compared to people who walked in city streets.

More energy from spending time in nature

Spending too much time in the office or in the house can lead to tiredness. Even spending just 20 minutes per day outside breathing in fresh air will give you an energy boost.  So the next time you are feeling tired, head outside to the local beach, park, countryside or forest.  Since the COVID-19 epidemic, we now have many more options to dine outside so not only is outdoor dining a way to spend more time in nature, it’s also a more COVID safe way to enjoy your food and drinks.

If you are not able to walk for long distances outside, perhaps you could use a mobility scooter to explore your local park and enjoy the benefits of fresh autumnal air.  Just make sure that you are prepared for the colder temperatures with a fleece lined scooter “cosy” and a mobility scooter weather cover will keep you dry should it start to rain.

Fresh air improves your digestion

Even though the email inbox is overflowing and the temptation is to eat your lunch at your desk, take a 20 minute break and get outside. When you eat your lunch at your desk while continuing to work, the blood supply is diverted from your digestive system to your brain. The most effective way to digest your food is when you are relaxed and away from the stress of work.

So make the effort this autumn and spend a little more time outside. You can enjoy the amazing colours of the autumn leaves while benefitting your health at the same time.

(First posted in October 2021, updated in October 2022)

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