Mobility scooter batteries 12v

New battery improves mobility scooter performance

At Bann Mobility, we have an extensive range of 12v batteries for all types of mobility scooter. If your batteries aren’t running as well as they used to, it may be the time to replace them as you don’t want your mobility scooter to run out of charge when you are out and about. A pair of new batteries will also improve the performance of your mobility scooter.

All makes of 12v mobility scooter batteries

Mobility scooter batteries usually last for 12 to 18 months but this will depend on how much use they get. Whatever your make of scooter (including Pride, Scootcase or Zoom), we will have a replacement battery right for your scooter. Don’t worry if you didn’t purchase your mobility scooter from us, we are more than happy to get your scooter back to full working order again with new replacement gel batteries.  The mobility scooter batteries can also be used on golf buggies too.

Price of Mobility Scooter Batteries

The price of the battery varies depending on the size of scooter.  For example, a pair of 12v 14ah batteries costs £95.

Please give us a call today on 028 3833 5771, email us on  or pop into our showroom at Carn Industrial Estate in Portadown to get your replacement mobility scooter battery.